Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The following are 100 random things you probably never cared to know about me.

1. One of my life goals is to go out with a boy for each letter of the alphabet. I have 'I' and 'X' left.
2. My favorite music group right now is The Weepies
3. I love skydiving. I have been twice
4. I want to go bungee jumping
5. I love Portland
6. I love big cities
7. I want to go to all 7 continents before I die
8. I've only been to 4
9. I eat a peanut butter sandwich for lunch every day
10. I hate my hair. Long or short. Just don't like it
11. But I love coloring my hair (current hair color - blonde)
12. My closet is color coded
13. And then within each color, it's alphabetized by what the tag says
14. I have enough underwear to go 3+ months never wearing the same pair twice
15. Same thing with socks.
16. I would wear flip flops every day if I could
17. I wish I was a more interesting person
18. This is harder than I thought it would be
19. If I could change one thing about my physical appearance, it would be the size of my head
20. Next, I would get good skin
21. Everything else would change if I would just work-out
22. I hate running
23. I like running in the rain
24. I don't want to be 24
25. I love numbers and counting things
26. Don't believe me? See my last post
27. My mom is amazing. I hope I grow up to be just like her!
28. I'm still not quite sure why I'm doing this!!
29. I think sleeping is a waste of time - I wish we didn't have to sleep so much to function
30. But I love naps
31. And I only like sleeping in on Sundays
32. I save all my letters and notes
33. I like to save text messages too
34. Back in the day, I loved Boy Bands. I still occasionally jam out to them in my car. And I still know all the words
35. I love macaroni and cheese
36. I love high heels, even though I am tall to begin with
37. Peanut m&m's are my favorite candy
38. I've never been in a limo
39. I wish I cared about politics
40. I could sit in crowded places and watch people for hours
41. I'm scared of being outside at night by myself
42. I'm going to Hawaii in 5 days.
43. I wish that I was going somewhere else that I haven't been before
44. But it will still be a lot of fun, and a much needed vacation
45. Putting this much stuff about myself on the internet makes me a bit nervous
46. I love pictures
47. I wish I had more time to scrapbook
48. It's my secret guilty pleasure in life
49. I don't like chocolate
50. I'm half way done
51. I like my initials
52. I can't survive without mascara and chapstick
53. I wish I was smarter
54. I also wish I was musically talented
55. I have insanely oily skin
56. Which I hate
57. I can't wait to get married so that I can always have the Priesthood in my house. Something I've never had before.
58. Fruit snacks are my new staple food.
59. I love motorcycles
60. I'm going to by my husband one for his first birthday after we're married (assuming that he doesn't already have one)
61. I usually trip going up stairs
62. I only almost broke my ankle while skipping home from a football game
63. The doctor told me that I had the most flexible ankles he had ever seen!
64. i LOVE snow!
65. Its the only thing I miss about living in Utah
66. I've been skiing practically since I could walk
67. This past winter was the first season I've gone without skiing. It was tragic
68. I haven't paid for my own cell phone bill for over 5 years (thank you T-Mobile family plan!!)
69. I graduated from all 4 years of seminary, even though I was only a member for about 2 months of that
70. I wish that life would slow down sometimes
71. I like tall boys :)
72. The only thing I've ever won was concert tickets to Kenny Chesney
73. I've always been blessed with wonderful friends
74. I don't like pulp in my orange juice
75. The only seafood I like is salmon
76. I'm really good at remembering dates - especially birthdays
77. I could only shop at one place for the rest of my life it would be Nordstrom
78. I love exclamation marks!!!! I totally over-use them in e-mail & texting
79. I am not pregnant, nor am I planning to be anytime soon. (haha - that one's directly from Emma's blog!)
80. I graduated from Utah State University in 3.5 years
81. The past 6 months marks the longest amount of time that I've been single since my junior year of High School
82. I love Facebook
83. I love roller coaster
84. I can count the number of baby diapers that I've had to change on one hand
85. I don't like my job
86. I like dressing up to go out
87. My dream car would be a Audi or a Porche
88. Occasionally, I actually like pictures of me
89. I hate traffic
90. I love dancing in my car
91. I have received more flowers from people since I moved to Portland than I have in my whole life. Times five
92. I eat Eggo waffles frozen
93. Ben and Jerry's Half-Baked is my ultimate favorite ice cream!
94. I collect thimbols
95. I love the tv show So You Think You Can Dance - so sad it's over for the season
96. Black, white and red will always be my favorite colors
97. I hate big key chains
98. I love shopping...
99. Unless it's shopping for jeans
100. It's taken me all day to think of 100 things

[Thanks Emma for posting this so that I could copy you!]


Diana said...

You don't like chocolate?! Sorry I made us get the chocolate cake for dessert tonight! Oh, about wanting different know it's written in my will :)

Me said...

my brother hates choclate too. so does kristy.

i also love to dress up for things. we shoudl do it more often.

Christine said...

Emily, skip the I and the X and go back to Ms. ;)

In Cambodia

In Cambodia
January 2007

A DAY AT THE PORTLAND ZOO!!! (June 1, 2007)

A DAY AT THE PORTLAND ZOO!!!            (June 1, 2007)
on a tricycle for elephants